Justin Wheatley: a look inside a contemporary life

Justin Wheatley is a local artist based out of Salt Lake City, UT. He's not only a fine artist, a high school teacher, a husband and father, but a pretty damn lovely human being. I had the pleasure of interview...

Salazar Album Review

Search Results: sau·da·de souˈdädə/ noun noun: saudade; plural noun: saudades a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia that is supposedly characteristic of the Portuguese or Brazilian ...

The Artist Within

Today's topic is something that I'm very passionate about. It begins with a belief I have about all humans being beautiful artists. I'm passionate about this topic because I believe it stands upon a beautifully...

The Sound of Tree Rings

Bartholomaus Traubeck is the genius behind this new method of translating tree ring data, into eerie piano music. In this video he uses an Ash tree ring and has entitled it 'Years'. "Every tree sounds vastly u...

Magnificent Collage Art

Joe Webb is a man of magic! He lives and works in the United Kingdom, has thousands of people who follow him on his FaceBook page, and has fans who share his images on the web. A true inspiration to my own art,...

The Art of Light Installations

There's a new kind of art that's been buzzing around for awhile now. Light Installations bring a whole new dimension to the form of modern art. From neon lights with a clever tongue, to elegant, cascading stran...

Jack White’s Hidden Hologram

Jack White's 'Lazaretto' Ultra LP Has An Embedded Hologram Jack White announced on May 6, 2014 that his new Ultra LP 'Lazaretto' features a hand etched hologram of a floating angel when played. The artist, Tri...

Don’t Paint on Books

"Be careful sweetheart, that's a book. We take care of our books." Is a mantra that every child hears. Which makes the work of  Ekaternina Panikanova all the more compelling. Using a mixture of installation, co...

These Handmade Rugs Will Blow Your Mind

"Any action without a goal is art."  -Faig Ahmed At first glance, you will assume that these rugs are photoshopped. But these astonishing handmade rugs are actually woven by the emerging artist, Faig Ahmed...