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Bartholomaus Traubeck is the genius behind this new method of translating tree ring data, into eerie piano music. In this video he uses an Ash tree ring and has entitled it ‘Years’.

“Every tree sounds vastly unique due to varying characteristics of the rings,

such as strength, thickness and rate of growth.” –The Mind Unleashed

By taking a PlayStation eye camera and a stepper motor, he takes the data and plays it through a music computer program called Abelton Live. That’s where he pairs the data taken in and syncs it with the piano. The result’s are surreal and you really do seem to hear the growth of the tree. Breath taking as it already naturally is, the technology behind it is just so incredibly impressive. Bravo Traubeck, bravo!

“Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature.” -Michael Faraday

