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I want the world to shimmer and gleam.

I want it to be lovely and kind. I want the world to be full of love, and everyone hugs, and offers smiles like they’re on sale at the dollar store. I want the world to be a place where people fall in love and get to be together. And no one gets hurt, and the air stays clean. And with enough hard work, you can accomplish your dreams.

But sometimes the world doesn’t shimmer, and for half of the 24 hour cycle, the sun is hidden. And the world is spiteful, and fear reigns, and greed dictates decisions, and hope is a frivolous waste of time– too expensive and in short supply. Sometimes the world yells and cries. Sometimes planes crash and bones break.

Sometimes the world works hard to make things right, but works in the wrong direction. I oftentimes only seek to confirm what I already know. This is not always a bad thing. It is necessary for my own sanity. But when I come to a book, or art, or politics or sometimes just a glass of orange juice, I want to see it anew, and fresh, and I want to spin it into new shapes and new ideas. I want to be lead astray from myself, and taken somewhere new and exciting.

I want to spin in the direction of the sun.

I want the world to shimmer and gleam.

