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Thursday I went to an estate sale of which seemed like your everyday one. I even debated getting out of the car because it looked a little small and at first glance didn’t seem very appealing.

Well I did go, and found some amazing fabric from the 70’s as well as some patterns from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s etc. The lady hosting the sale looked like your everyday grandma figure, and after talking with her for a small amount of time, I realized that she was a very accomplished individual. She had grown up in California- started sewing at the age of 4, and continuing a life surrounded by sewing and service. Ending up being on the National Quilting Society, not just a member but the president is all. I continued to be amazed as she took me from the sale in the garage- into her home. I was completely blown away as I entered the door and all I saw was neon green carpet, and bright yellow walls

As I followed in amazement, she explained that growing up in California, and now living in Utah, that color was a necessity of life, and she wanted her house to be a happy place. You will be surprised to know that her ENTIRE house held neon green carpet, and bright yellow walls (with crazy bright rugs and couches).


Take home: Firstly- I can live my dream and become like this amazing lady named Claire. Nothing is too far to reach for and grasp. She is the epitome of a life of service, and is one of the happiest people I have ever met.

Yesterday morning I thought I was just going to a simple estate sale like any other, but I left with my entire life being changed. All to often we go through life in a fog. Just taking one day at a time with one weary foot in front of the other. It is all we can do to survive, sometimes the fact that we get out of bed is the only productive event of the day. – If that is you today, I applaud you. But I also am challenging you. Find something today that makes you smile, or chuckle (no matter how small) and just run with it. Bring something into your life that even if only for a small moment brings a smile to you.

Walking to my car I felt a mixture of emotions, but most of all I felt slapped in the face because for the past months my life has been a fog, and constantly feeling that life was too great a burden to continue on with. I was brought back to life as if someone had shocked my heart back to beating.

There is more to life than work, sleep, food, then repeating. My eyes were opened once again to the colorful world around me. No longer was everything in black and white, where all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and watch Netflix for the rest of my existence.
