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Daniele is currently representing both Salt Lake and Brooklyn, the two hubs of SALTartists, as a resident of Utah who is on an art sabbatical in Brooklyn for the summer. She is a photographer with a truly artistic soul.


What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently?

I’ve experienced a lot of beautiful moments recently, but a little over a week ago, I was able to go to the Dia Beacon Museum. There was a room full of On Kawara’s paintings, (from his ‘Today’ series) and I was a bit overwhelmed by them and how beautiful they were. It led me to think about my own passage through time and my interactions with time. It was a joyous, quiet moment.


How did you get involved with art making?

I loved making things as a child, but as I got older, I thought that because I couldn’t draw realistically, that I couldn’t be an artist. I started taking art classes again in high school, and my teacher, Mrs. Propst, recommended that I take AP art. I didn’t make great stuff, but it helped me to pursue art in a more thoughtful and serious way.


Besides this, what is another hidden talent, passion, or hobby of yours?

I love being around plants and gardening. Something sort of comes alive in me when I’m with my plants.

Are you close with your family?

I’m not as close as I’d like to be. In my extended family, I have some aunts that I have always felt close with, despite not always seeing them regularly.


Daniele: What is something that not many people know about you? 

Something that a lot of people don’t know is my involvement with Ordain Women, a group of Mormons that are working towards the ordination of women in the LDS church. I did several photographs for them, depicting a potential future in the LDS church where women are able to become equal partners with men. (You can see some of them on their website, the SL tribune, and Huffpost. There are more coming as well!) I had an experience last December in which after months and years of grappling with gender inequalities in the church, I came to terms with what needs to happen for women to fully realize their potential in the church.

I realized that until women are given the same opportunities to lead and to organize and to counsel, like men are, that the church will continue to limit the growth of Mormon women. I realized that the reasons given for why women do not currently have the priesthood are based in antiquated and unhelpful ideas about the roles of men and women in the family and in society. But, if we can envision a better future where all genders are fully involved in the church, then Mormons might be able to make some strides towards full inclusivity in the church. Working on these images was one of the most fulfilling things I’ve done yet with my photography.

Dream Tattoo:

The one I have now. It’s a small circle in the middle of my upper chest. I got it on my 25th birthday, and it symbolizes many things that I don’t want to forget.


Last Great Book I Read: I spent some time reading a book in a bookstore the other day called, “Holy Bible.” It’s a book that Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin made. They appropriated images and imposed over the pages of a bible. I loved the play between the given text and the found images. I keep thinking about it, so I should probably go back and get it…

Favorite TV Shows: maybe Twin Peaks.

If you could tell everyone in the world something, what would it be?

There are a lot of people that would probably have something more important to tell, but I’d say, “Live an intentional life.”


You can find more of Daniele’s work at:

