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One of Belgium’s most talented photographers, Jens Bogaerts, talks with SALT about photography and life, and what helps him take amazing photos.

“What’s one thing people can do to take better photos?”

“Live a more interesting life. If you’re sitting around your house, and not going out into the world, you will be too insulated and won’t have anything to say.”

“What do want to accomplish in life?”

“I want to be able to keep on challenging myself, not taking the easy way, but the good way. To be able to look at what I’ve done, whatever it is, and to be satisfied about it. I want to live life to it’s fullest.”

“Any words of advice to the world?”

“I just drank some tea, Yogi Tea. It has a little quote called the Wisdom of the Day. It’s pretty good for today, I think: “1. Fear less – love more. 2. Fear less – hope more.”


“What made you fall in love with photography?”

“In middle school, I wanted to study photography, but decided against it to study biology. But I couldn’t stay away from it. If I had any time to choose, I would use my dad’s camera to take pictures. When I started developing film, I realized it wasn’t a fling.”

“What’s the last happy moment you experienced? Did you take a picture of it?”

“I didn’t photograph it. I just enjoyed it. I wanted to live in it, and just enjoy the feeling. Not all special moments should be photographed. You need to live the memories.”

“What have you done today?”

“It’s winter here, but today is 68 degrees, so I enjoyed the sun.”

“Do you think you’re an introvert, or an extrovert?”

“I’m more of an introvert. Especially with photography, I’m not good at directing people on how to behave. I give them small guidelines, but mostly I pay attention to how the light falls. I don’t like to tell people what to do. When I work that way, it’s more natural.”

“What or who is your muse?”

“It can come from movies, songs, moments or memories. And of course, my moods.”

“Are you where you thought you would be at this stage in your life?”

“I didn’t really have a plan for this part of my life. I’m good. I think.”

