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Salt Lake City

No One Ever Suspects the Butterfly: Madeline Rupard

What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently? I just got back recently from a family reunion in Ontario, Canada. We had a few layovers and I realized how much I love wandering around airports alo...

Every Single Line: Sunny Taylor

Sunny Taylor is one of the artists who will be featured this month at the Rio Gallery in Salt Lake City. As a collaboration, several artists have come together to create art around the theme of 'Articles of Clo...

The True Pursuit: David Habben

What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently? I'm lucky to have had a lot of truly joyous moments recently, but the real highlight recently is the birth of our son. We have two amazing childr...

A Walk Down 300 East

Take a stroll along a street that doesn't get much credit for its eclectic charm, urban offerings and historic architecture. 300 east is more than a street for driving. Classes and workshops, art strol...

PRhyme, Adrian Younge, Special Guest Bishop Nehru

This week we did something different. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so this week we have a novel! We are happy to announce that we are featuring  just a few of the amazing people & posts ...

The Monsters of Miranda Meeks

When you look at Miranda's work, you might think that she is somewhat of a tortured soul with the childhood depicted in Tim Burton's short film Vincent. But reality is quite the opposite. Miranda is one...

Pictures and Perspective: Daniele Vickers

Daniele is currently representing both Salt Lake and Brooklyn, the two hubs of SALTartists, as a resident of Utah who is on an art sabbatical in Brooklyn for the summer. She is a photographer with a truly artis...

The Astronomical Andrew Rice

What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently? I was an artist in residence for a month in Boise, ID at Surel’s Place. It was a month spent doing nothing but working on a body of work. Easily ...

A Map to an Artful Life

Crafted to Create a Meaningful Life Beautiful Craftsman Home  |  5 bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms For Sale! A Map to Happiness: (Must follow these directions.) 1. Start in one of the coolest historic districts in...