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Salt Lake City

Twilight Review: TV on The Radio with Twin Shadow

t’s the sophomore week of the 2014 Series and upon my arrival, the first thing I notice is the new venue layout. Everyone is now funneling through one main entrance, red blowup sofas are inviting people into th...

Lauryn Hill: Re-Educated

Ms. Lauryn Hill is making us wait.   She's late to the stage, but the audience – without doubt one of The Twilight Concert Series more multicultural – doesn't care. And neither do I. I think we would all ...

Twilight Concert Series: Blown Away

BRAVO! We have to hand it to The SLC Art Council and the organizers of The Twilight Concert Series. From what began as a humble and quaint gathering at the Gallivan Center, and then fast forwarding to 2014,...

Artist Spotlight: Heather Ackley

Heather is an artist that started out as a kid who filled notebooks with doodles. She occasionally had the courage to paint with acrylics. She now is a commissioned based artist in Salt Lake City. She has an exhibit at Mod A Go Go on Friday, May 16th.

Tea Time: Top Teas to Try

I love tea. And if you do too, read on my dear friend. Tea has been the beverage-of-choice the in the world for millenniums. It has healing properties as well as cancer-fighting antioxidants. These little le...

Uncensored City: Protesting the Orem City Council

Local Band, My Fair Fiend, will be handing out FREE T-Shirts at their show this Saturday. But not just any T-shirts. Remember Judy Cox? She was the woman who had bought all the T-shirts from a Pac-Sun store, am...

The only domestic animal not in the Bible: the cat.

Do you know what goes with Mother's Day? Your guessed it: CATS. And we don't want our mothers to have any old cats. We want them to have the coolest cats on the web. And because cat pictures are very hard to...

Mother’s Day Breakfast

One of the treasured times to eat for Mother's across the world, here we present Pancakes: Two Ways. But the lovely and talented Marta Greber, from What Should I Eat For Breakfast Today? We share the loveliest ...

Tattoo Trend: The Soft Tattoo

There is an ongoing conversation in my house called, "Which Tattoo Would You Get?" Admission: I have never been able to answer to this question. So permanent... like a personal identification mark that symbo...